About Sara
collecting, preserving & learning
Through intergenerationally passed down recipes and stories from women in my family, I use food to examine the relationship between the personal and social in my art practice. I foreground collective care to playfully decipher feelings of otherness by forging new spaces within pre-existing ones as acts of reclamation and remapping of personal history.
My interdisciplinary approach predominantly utilises installation to move between a socially engaged and experimental moving image-based practice. These installations operate as intimately curated sites of nurture that invite conversations and spaces for both artists and non-artists to co-exist. I want to create spaces where both my aunties and artist peers can sit and reflect together, comfortably. Motivated by the agency this gives back to the otherwise passive viewer, the public is often invited to physically interact with my works - A thread that also carries through strongly within my pedagogical and curatorial practice. Sitting within this horizontal plane for me are stories both nostalgic and unknown which are constantly shared and retranslated.